Teambuilding and ESG (CSR)
... bundled in one top value event
A world leader in corporate sustainability ourselves, we understand your needs. We offer a thrilling range of (eco/ESG) programs + (eco) accommodation, and we're ready to help you choose.
What we offer, in short:
• Choose your preferred level of comfort – from survivor island to 5-star luxury.
• Our programs address all 17 UN SDGs – you choose the one(s) that suit you best.
• Combine Team-building + ESG (CSR) – in one customized, cost-efficient, productive & fun experience
• Complete packages: || door-to-door || hassle-free || fully customizable || all-inclusive || safety-audited ||
Credentials, in short:
• Most highly decorated EcoTourism operator in the world –see below
• Top partnerships: with top educational institutes and companies –see below
• Unparalleled safety record: || LooLa is co-author of Singapore’s Outdoor Ed Gold safety standards || iSOS hospital at 25 minutes || optional 24/7 doctor stand-by ||

Our (eco) activities – part of your package!*
Slide or click to have a quick look, and if you're ready to choose, click the yellow button below!
*Please note that a small surcharge applies to off-site activities.
Our rooms
We offer an amazing array of choices, from survivor island to 5 star luxury.
Take a glimpse here, and if you want to know more, click the yellow button below!
Key ESG Partners and CSR activities
Bring sustainability to life with your company!
The sustainability revolution ...
It needs the energy and muscle of companies

Companies often ask us:
Can we make this event both fun and meaningful?
The answer is a big YES! Team-building and ESG (CSR) make for a wonderful combination, and companies can achieve a wide range of objectives during their trip:
• Reach out – you can bring lifelong water and sanitation to local families
• Join our big global goal – Safe Water and Sanitation to all tropical village families by 2030
• Enjoy the wonders of plant-based food – by cooking it yourself
• Your trip/your company could be carbon-neutral – just plant/fund mangrove trees or build safe sanitation
• Go deep – help promote gender equality by enabling local business development
• Report on it if need be – we can help you produce high-quality data that measure the impact of your project.
In fact, through our programs and our location in Bintan, all 17 UN SDGs (United Nation Sustainable Development goals) come to life – just let us know which one(s) you'd like to address!
Also: the programs can be meaningfully extended and adopted upon return to Singapore and you can stay engaged.
Amazing scenery
Bintan is a gorgeous island with a 1,700-year long history.
In 2000, LooLa was its first international resort, so we could pick Bintan's most beautiful spot .... it was love at first sight!
We're still in love, and our dedicated local staff keeps enhancing the beauty of LooLa and our environment.
Our awards & grants

Bintan #1 TripAdvisor hotel
Demonstrating that LooLa also receives the highest customer awards

Singapore #1 sustainable SME
Singapore’s Minister Masagos Zulkifli called LooLa an “inspiration for all companies to follow”

Asia #1 Eco resort
Asia’s most prestigious Ecotourism award

World #1 Responsible Tourism Operator London
World's most prestigious Ecotourism award

Received a USD 45,000 Grant
to do our second pilot SWG village in Citarum (Indonesia's most polluted river area)

Received a EUR 147,000 Grant
from the Dutch government for research to (cost)optimize our Safe Water Garden (SWG)

Received a USD 70,000 Grant
towards making the SWG Indonesia's national standard (succeeded late 2019)

Received a USD 50,000 Grant
to train Sinarmas teams to make their own Safe Water Gardens

Received a SGD 50,000 Grant
to support Safe Water Garden construction and research

Received a € 100,000 Grant
for our first WASH knowledge center, empowering 1,500 Bintan families through 100 SWGs

2023 UN Water Conference
Safe Water Garden invited to exhibit as one of only 6 examples of “scalable WASH innovation”
Sample Itineraries
(all inclusive prices)
Accommodation, all listed activities, food, coffee, tea, water, 2-way ferry and all Bintan land transfers are included.
Only insurance, visa (if applicable), and extra drinks excluded.
Sample itinerary for 2D1N | Sample itinerary for 3D2N |
Day 1 Day 2. | Day 1 Day 2. Day 3. |
Economy option * Prices based on twin-sharing | Economy option * Prices based on twin-sharing |