Video testimonials of our e-travellers
1. StGIG: Austrian students running service projects virtually in Indonesia!
Note: all experiences displayed on this page are YEP-GO, VOCIP and CAS compliant.
St Gilgen is an IB school all the way from Austria.
In their wonderful video, you can follow the students when they e-visit a family in Bintan who didn’t have a toilet and bathroom – and see how they made a huge change over a Zoom connection!
To read what the teacher said, see below.
Click here to read Teacher Feedback!
“LooLa’s Virtual Service Journey offering came along just at the right time, when our school, like so many others around the World, had to introduce severe restrictions on any off-campus service activities. Our students were extremely excited and jumped at the opportunity to engage in real-time with family members from a small village island community in Indonesia, facilitated by the incredible staff from LooLa. Via a series of Zoom calls the students quickly came to understand the urgent needs the family were facing, with an already difficult situation made worse by Covid restrictions. Following a fund raising initiative, the students were able to observe in real time how key improvement measures, such as a water pump, water supply pipe, toilet, and LooLa’s trademark Safe Water Garden, were installed, bringing immediate relief to the family from their daily struggles. The ongoing long-term connection that we have now established between the family and our students via a WhatsApp group, to me could be the most powerful aspect to this fantastic service learning opportunity.”
Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Michael Söldner
Head of Experiential Education / Teacher of Geography and Individuals & Societies
2. Companies are making a difference too!
Mr Pier Luigi Sigismondi, President of Dole Packaged Foods, was the first executive of Dole to take a virtual journey. Just like the students from St Gilgen (video 1), he discovered that families in Indonesia (1) typically don’t have running water; and (2) the problems this causes for successful crop growing and COVID prevention.
But thanks to Dole, we discovered that we can solve this problem together over the Zoom, as their video shows!
Thank you Dole, and may many companies be inspired by your lead!
Click here for Dole’s Written Feedback!
Safe sanitation is a human right that we must provided to all.
As Dole, we will continue to support this great initiative, hoping that many others will find inspiration as much as we did!
On a more personal note:
Working with LooLa to bring safe sanitation to an Indonesian family was a truly fulfilling and moving experience.
Pak Andres and his family are truly wonderful people and we felt proud to make a difference in their lives.
We look forward to meet them in their home as soon as the borders open again!
Pier Luigi Sigismondi
President Dole Packaged Foods
3. 220 NYP students & staff making a difference on their e-journey!
Nanyang Polytechnic made history when they ran the first-ever 3-day long fully virtual school camp in Dec 2020, for a whopping 120 students and teachers!
In 4 separate project groups, they planted mangroves; cleaned a historic neighbourhood and recycled all the plastic; and delivered life-saving sanitation to Indonesian families.
In March 2021 they were back with another 100+ students from Singapore and across the world. Check out their video, and their amazing quotes below, in writing and via Channel News Asia Radio interview!
Check out the NYP Student Written Feedback!
- “Very meaningful experience!”
- “Meaningful and beautiful”
- “Amazing”
- “Impactful”
- “Truly Eye-opening”
- “Wish it would have been longer than 2 days!”
- “We really managed to create a bond with the family”
- “It was awesome to see the joy on the families faces”
- “This experience allowed me to appreciate the little things in life more than before”
- “I feel very blessed that I was able to participate. I feel I have truly seen another part of the world rather than be in my own world”
Listen to NYP’s CNA Interview!
Listen to the 1 April 2021 awesome CNA Interview with NYP students Jolin Toh from the Diploma in Nursing and Joel Lim from the Diploma in Business management, and hear Jolin say, towards the end, that the virtual tour actually allowed her a deeper contact with Indonesian people than a physical visit!
4. NYP student group A's own vlog of their experience!
Referring to video 3 above, the awesome video here –contrasting life in Indonesia and Singapore– is the video testimonial created by NYP’s group A.
5. NYP student group B's vlog!
In this video produced by NYP’s group B, the students show how they used recycled plastic to bring lifelong safe sanitation to a Bintan family!
6. Supporting a family - Live, over zoom!
Here is a video of our very first online Eco Journey, in June 2020:
Mieke and Frans –the parents of LooLa’s founder– e-travelled to Indonesia to connect with two local families.
They helped one local family repair their house, while joining another family in the process of installing a lifelong lifesaving sanitation system (see examples 1 & 5 above for more details!)
7. Four TP students showing the power of individual action!
4 students from Temasek Poly decided to show that individual action can change the world!
Chan Kai Min Stella, Chuan Zheng Foo, Jacelyn Tan Kah Min, and Joleen Chew Zhi Ling raised money, changed lives and made an awesome video to document their experience and inspire others.
Check out their very cool idea to include a time-lapse video of the SWG construction!
Stella’s testimonial in writing
Sanitation projects are essential but are often not sexy enough to attract sufficient funding. Good sanitation prevents many childhood diseases and ensures a healthy environment for families. Here in Singapore, we often take clean running water and properly treated wastewater from toilets for granted, but it is life-changing for those without it.
I and my team strongly felt the need to help bring good sanitation to Indonesian villagers. We are delighted to have helped provide good sanitation for the Suparno family. Their children can now grow up in a safe environment without being surrounded by wastewater and they have clean running water. Treated wastewater will help them grow important cash crops like chilli, bringing the family much needed money.
I hope this project will inspire more to contribute for this worthy cause and for others to undertake similar projects. This is just the beginning and there is so much more that all of us can do to make the world a better place.
~ Stella Chan
8. SP students Optometry putting their skills to work
In this video, you can clearly see how closely and successfully the students work and play together with local families over Zoom to create awesome value for all parties!
They are living proof of how to make a success of the Singapore government visionary YEP-GO program (Youth Expedition Program Go Online).
Check here for the written testimonial
This was a great experience for every one of the students in our team. Having such a project being held virtually is definitely a first for all of us. The 5 days spent together with the Indonesian people, discovering how our lives are so different despite being neighbors brings about a new sense of appreciation of the things that we often take for granted, including easy access to clean and processed water where with the simple turn of our taps we get an abundant supply of it within a span of a few minutes. Unlike us, Indonesian village people must retrieve their water from nearby wells to gain access to water.
Being SP Optometry students, it was shocking to hear the traditional eye-care cures when they experience, for instance, red eyes (hint: it involves the application of urine!). It brought about a new sense of meaning in this 20-hour journey as we shared our knowledge with them on the proper practices to care for their eyes.
On behalf of the whole team, I would like to thank the LooLa staff for creating such a pleasant environment for us to interact with the Indonesian village people with minimal communication issues. Their ability to adapt and learn quickly on the spot made the activities that we planned run smoothly with minimal hiccups! We have learnt a great deal, not just about the issues faced by Indonesian people, but also about the importance of the Safe Water Garden that is bound to greatly contribute to villagers’ health and well-being.
– Loi Jun Hao, YEP-GO program
9. Be a planet-hero: plant a mangrove forest!
Did you know that you only need to plant around 20 mangrove trees to be carbon-neutral for life?
But why stop there? Go one step further and become a planet hero! Follow Cherie and James and plant 250 mangrove trees so as to carbon-offset your whole extended family, and help us to expand our knowledge by revisiting regularly via Zoom.
You can have this whole experience –and make all that impact– for the price of an pre-covid weekend getaway…
10. Igor visits his mangroves again!
A planet Hero – Igor – returns, a month after planting 1000 mangrove seedlings, to see how the mangroves are doing.
As the video shows, the results were much better than we expected, and we learned valuable lessons!
This illustrates the power of virtual travel: our guests can remain involved and contribute profoundly to climate/eco science. We hope to welcome many more guests like Igor, who follow up on their eco e-journey and help us measure and document the impact of our eco actions!
11. Cooking with LooLa
One of America’s leading Eco travel agencies, Ecomadic teams up with LooLa on a cooking journey!
With everything going on in the world right now it was the perfect opportunity to e-visit an Indonesian family and learn how to cook a famous local Indonesian dish while gaining an exciting new cultural experience at the same time!
12. SJII school e-meets a local family
The grade 7 (Sec 1) students of SJII present their signature community project – the Safe Water Garden. In this video they share with us how they first got to know the family via Zoom!
13. SJII decides how to help the family, virtually
In this video, the SJII grade 7 students explain more about the Safe Water Gardens and they explain how they won’t let COVID get in the way and how they will still continue to support this project!