Here's why LooLa is SE Asia's
Top Educational Destination
Our credentials:
• IBO ESS and Bio workshop site
• The owners of LooLa are acclaimed international educators
• LooLa has run more than 700 school trips || all ages || from 2 – 14 nights ||
• Educational partnerships with OBS, NUS, SMU, NTU, Polytechnics, and 100's of (inter)national schools
• Unparalleled safety record, co-author of Singapore’s OE (Outdoor Education) Gold safety standards
Here's what you can expect:
• Our eco & community programs address all 17 UN SDGs.
• An amazing range of adventure activities –enough for 2 weeks or more!
• Medical peace of mind: iSOS hospital at 25 minutes, optional 24/7 doctor stand-by
• Packages are: door-to-door || fully customizable || hassle-free || all-inclusive || safety-audited
• Your students will: Gain resilience & independence || get exposure to different cultures || learn to appreciate nature || do amazing adventure activities || and above all: have fun! ||
Below you'll find an overview of the possible activities, our credentials, the range of accommodation on offer for the various camps, and how you can make sustainability central to your program.

Our (eco) activities – part of your package!*
Slide or click to have a quick look, and if you're ready to choose, click the yellow button below!
*Please note that a small surcharge applies to off-site activities.
Our rooms
We offer an amazing array of choices, from survivor island to 5 star luxury.
Take a glimpse here, and if you want to know more, click the yellow button below!
Our Educational Partners
Bring sustainability to life with your school!
Sustainability education ...
It starts with our education institutions

Students have made huge contributions towards solving the world's sanitation problem.
By 2019, students from LooLa's visiting schools had built more than 500 lifelong life-saving sanitation systems (our Safe Water Gardens or SWGs, for short) for local families. As a direct result of these pioneering efforts, in early 2020 the SWG was proclaimed part of Indonesia's national sanitation standard, and we are now in a position to bring SWGs to all villagers, nationwide –and your students will take part in this ongoing eco-revolution!
Children have natural empathy and can identify with local families, recognizing the things we share but also the (ecological) hardships... So they go all out to connect and help make things better, having tons of fun and growing tremendously in the process.
More generally, all 17 UN SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development goals) fully come to life in our program. As part of our program, your students can engage in, for instance:
• Climate change: making their trip carbon-neutral by planting mangrove trees
• Water issues: bringing lifelong life-saving water and sanitation (SWG) to local village families
• Plant-based cooking: learning that vegetarian food is awesome if you cook it yourself!
• Understanding the human condition: promoting gender equality and (thus) happiness!
• Sustainable Infrastructure: Help build sustainable communities and co-develop homestay tourism
Note: the programs can be meaningfully extended and adopted upon return to Singapore and you can stay engaged!
Click the button below for a magical tour to learn more about our eco program
Amazing scenery
Bintan is a gorgeous island with a 1,700-year long history.
In 2000, LooLa was its first international resort, so we could pick Bintan's most beautiful spot .... it was love at first sight!
We're still in love, and our dedicated local staff keeps enhancing the beauty of LooLa and our environment.
Our awards & grants

Bintan #1 TripAdvisor hotel
Demonstrating that LooLa also receives the highest customer awards

Singapore #1 sustainable SME
Singapore’s Minister Masagos Zulkifli called LooLa an “inspiration for all companies to follow”

Asia #1 Eco resort
Asia’s most prestigious Ecotourism award

World #1 Responsible Tourism Operator London
World's most prestigious Ecotourism award

Received a USD 45,000 Grant
to do our second pilot SWG village in Citarum (Indonesia's most polluted river area)

Received a EUR 147,000 Grant
from the Dutch government for research to (cost)optimize our Safe Water Garden (SWG)

Received a USD 70,000 Grant
towards making the SWG Indonesia's national standard (succeeded late 2019)

Received a USD 50,000 Grant
to train Sinarmas teams to make their own Safe Water Gardens

Received a SGD 50,000 Grant
to support Safe Water Garden construction and research

Received a € 100,000 Grant
for our first WASH knowledge center, empowering 1,500 Bintan families through 100 SWGs

2023 UN Water Conference
Safe Water Garden invited to exhibit as one of only 6 examples of “scalable WASH innovation”

The Power of education +
Sample itineraries
LooLa is owned by two teachers (Dr Marc van Loo and Isabelle Lacoste, the “Loo” and “La” – see “Our story” on the Eco & Us page) who fell in love with Indonesia in their back-packer days in the late eighties. Using the money we saved as teachers, we built LooLa with fully local labour in 2000. LooLa was run, from day 1, by our fully local staff, who help our guests engage with the local community.
We are profoundly happy that we could live the teacher dream and demonstrate the power of education by showing that local village people –with an average education level of primary 6– could be taught to operate a world-class resort autonomously.
You can find more details about LooLa’s sustainability programs and philosophy on the [Eco & Us] page, and even more info –including how we address each of the UN SDGs– at the end of that page.
We are always happy to fully customize the program to your school’s objectives –and indeed, many of our best programs came about through strong long-term collaborations with our school guests. But if you’re new to LooLa and you want to have a look at some sample programs, you can download these from our document page.
Contact us